How to Stay Safe This Summer Season-

With the summer season bearing down on all of us in the Tri-state area, many will be looking forward to getting outside and having some fun in the sun. Unfortunately, too much fun in the sun can cause a long list of bodily problems. For the older population in most cases, most will more than likely have to limit their exposure to direct sunlight, pay attention to how much time they spend outside, their water intake, etc.

For seniors and the elderly, taking a short walk on a hot and humid day could very well end in a bad way if not property planned with adequate supplies such as water. With that being said, it is always advisable to pay attention to weather, plan ahead, and prepare for the time outside during the hot summer months. If possible, always go along with other people for additional safety and security reasons.

Listed below are some tips on how seniors and the elderly can stay safe this summer season-

  • Drink plenty of water and fluids- consistent hydration is crucial for anyone spending time outdoors in the summer months, especially for seniors and the elderly.
  • Medication restrictions- There are numerous types of medications that either restrict or completely prohibit prolonged exposure to direct sunlight due to adverse reactions. So, mind your medications and warning labels.
  • Planning your day and outside time- Knowing what activities and/or where you are going throughout the day will help with planning to beat the heat and sun while being prepared.
  • Types of clothing- The best type of clothing to wear when it is excessively hot and humid, would be light color, loose fitting, cotton clothing.
  • Skin protection- Applying a good quality sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun is also important to prevent sun burns and other skin issues related to, too much sun
  • Eye protection- Wearing sunglasses can also help with protecting your eyes from the sun and harmful UV rays. Sunglasses will protect your eyes and will also save them from getting tired as fast as they would without sunglasses.
  • Use bug repellent- If you live in an area prone to lots of annoying summertime bugs, then it may be a good idea to find a high quality bug repellent to protect yourself from bug bites, related infections, and even possible disease.
  • Wearing a Hat- Wearing a wide brim hat can also help with keeping the sun off of your face, neck , and shoulders adding an additional layer of protection from the sun.
  • Know your limits- Being able to understand your limitations when out and about in the summer months will also help with keeping yourself safe and healthy this summer. It is always best to start out slow in terms of time spent outside, especially if there has been a change in medications.

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About Assisted Living Advisers of NYC, NJ, CT-

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE service which has helped hundreds of families transition their loved one’s into their ideal senior living situation. Providing Personalized, Concierge Style, Senior Assisted Living Community and Senior Living Community Placement Services in NYC, NJ, CT.

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Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE, personalized service offering expert guidance in determining the ideal community for your loved one based on physical needs, location preferences and finances.