Have you been contemplating about moving your loved one to a memory care facility? Here we talk about the benefits of such a community and how a memory care facility can help both your loved ones and the entire family.

Has your loved one recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, dementia or other type of cognitive disorder? We know it is extremely difficult to accept such news, but a high quality of life is certainly attainable even after such a diagnosis.

What is a Memory Care Community or Memory Care Facility?

Memory care is a specialized facility specifically for people living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive diseases or disabilities. It is a long term service provided by qualified and trained professionals that are trained specifically to work with people living with memory loss, Alzheimers, dementia, or other related condition.

Memory care communities or facilities are sometimes part of a bigger assisted living community. Residents that are part of the memory care program receive more care and services than other residents,and are cared for by specialists that are trained specifically to work with individuals living with Alzheimer’s or other cognitive issue.

If you have a loved one suffering from degenerative cognitive issues, it might be best to look into a memory care community or two, or at least researching memory care services to get an idea of what is involved with caring for someone living with a cognitive illness.

Let Assisted Living Advisers help you to understand the features and benefits of memory care, along with finding the perfect memory care community for your loved one. Call to schedule a free consultation! 1-347-826-1689

What You Can Expect from Memory Care

Quality Services – as we age, simple daily tasks such as cooking, bathing and cleaning up may start to become a challenge. As time progresses, it becomes even harder especially when a person is diagnosed with a degenerative cognitive issue. Alzheimer’s impairs memory and frequently makes a person confused, and this can hinder a person from functioning normally. In a memory care community, staff can do simple chores for your loved one. A memory care community would also provide at least three healthy meals a day that would meet a resident’s nutritional needs.

Your loved one will be living in a space similar to their homes but they don’t need to worry about keeping it clean, as housekeeping is handled by the memory care community. Laundry is another item that can be checked off the list since this is also taken care of by the memory care community staff.

Other special services offered by a memory care facility is transportation. Frequently, patients diagnosed with cognitive issues are no longer allowed to drive on their own. With this, you are assured that your loved one is safe, and can at least get to places they want, or need to be. !!!

Safety and Security
Memory care communities and facilities are most often part of senior living communities that boast of their safety and security measures. Communities have CCTVs that run 24/7 and are being closely watched by a team of security professional. Some seniors with Alzheimer’s tend to wander off and explore alone, which puts them at risk of getting lost when living at home. In memory care facilities, doors and entryways are secured by locks and latches that keep a resident safely within the premises.

Rooms, spaces and furniture are arranged and designed specifically to adapt to the changing needs of a senior with Alzheimer’s or cognitive issues. A resident’s room may have markers or labels in some areas to help them remember where things are located or belong. Other parts of the facility will have wide and clutter-free spaces to avoid confusing an inhabitant. Some rooms will have ramps or handles for accessibility and to help your loved one move about.

Lastly, your loved one has the option to have someone personally accompany them wherever they go. Enrolling your loved one(s) into a memory care facility gives you and your family the peace of mind that their loved one(s) are safe and secure in a place where they cannot be harmed.

Care from a Qualified Professional
Unlike in a normal senior living community, staff in a memory care community are trained to specifically handle individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or cognitive issues. They receive education and keep up to date about the latest and most appropriate Alzheimer’s care strategies, best practices, and techniques.

More often than not, a person living with dementia and cognitive issues show or exhibit different behaviors than an average person. Staff should be able to respond quickly, correctly, and appropriately to those behaviors and help a resident work through their emotions and problems they have at that moment. This can pose an extremely difficult challenge to a person poorly equipped to handle these issues and situations. Fortunately, a memory care community can give you and your family assurance that your loved one will be properly taken care of.

Stimulating Activities
Your loved one will be kept busy every day by scheduled events. These activities are done to help residents socialize with others, promote new skills, while also trying to maintain their current abilities. These special activities can be a simple, such as a game night or an art class. Sometimes their are also special events like a dance event or a music program to entertain residents. There are also days that staff provide fun exercise programs to help residents stay healthy and fit. Brain games and exercises are also usually provided to help your loved one cope with cognitive issues they might have. Memory care communities may contain spaces that give an individual opportunity to enjoy, explore and mingle independently like the gym, swimming pool, or a movie theater! These are all exciting things your loved one will surely enjoy while easing into their new lifestyle.

A Cultivating Experience. When your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or memory loss, their quality of life certainly does not need not to suffer. Having your loved one come into a memory care community will give them the opportunity to still function normally even with assistance. It can give them the chance to try and explore new things, meet new people, and relish their days surrounded with people who understand them. Living in a memory care community can help them live a fuller life even after the diagnosis.

Let Our Senior Assisted Living Advisors Help You!

We understand the struggles of finding the right memory care community your loved ones. It can be a daunting task that easily takes a toll on family members as well as your loved ones transitioning into a memory care community. There is just so much to choose from and each one has its own pros and cons. So many factors should be considered while searching for a memory care community. Let our senior assisted living, independent living, and memory care consultants help you find the right home for your loved one! In most cases, Assisted Living Advisers are able to broker a more affordable deal than someone researching memory care communities and memory care facilities.

Give us a call at 1-347-826-1689 to speak to one of our memory care community specialists or click here for more information about our memory care community placement services

About Assisted Living Advisers of NYC, NJ, CT-

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE service which has helped hundreds of families transition their loved one’s into their ideal senior living situation. Providing Personalized, Concierge Style, Senior Assisted Living Facility and Senior Living Community Placement Services in NYC, NJ, CT.

Let’s Work Together To Find The Ideal Senior Living Community For Your Loved One.

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE, personalized service offering expert guidance in determining the ideal community for your loved one based on physical needs, location preferences and finances.