Summer at Assisted Living Communities

Why Summer is a Great Time to Move into A New Assisted Living Community-

As there is typically never a perfect time to move into a new assisted living community, one of the better seasons to make the big move would be the summer season.

Obviously there are pros and cons to moving for each season, however, in the summer months it seems to be a bit easier as it is warmer outside, better all around weather(no snow), and better timing in terms of being able to have the freedom to explore the entire assisted living community both inside and out.  In the winter months it can be a lot more difficult to relocate to an assisted living community for a wide number of reasons. Some of these reasons can include inclement weather, new resident suffering from arthritis, new residents may have a seasonal disorder making the transition that much harder, the holidays, etc.

Summertime Activities at Assisted Living Communities-

For most assisted living communities, the summer time is when there are more outside activities going on ranging from walks and lemonade to playing baseball to day trips outside of the assisted living community.

List of potential assisted living community summer activities-

  • Sunrise and Sunset Parties
  • Ice cream parties
  • Walks
  • Outdoor game time
  • Cookouts
  • Seafood parties
  • Day trips
  • Watching stars
  • Scavenger hunts
  • And much more

Summertime at an Assisted Living Community

As you can see, relocating to a senior assisted living facility during the summertime can make for an overall easier transition, especially when compared to other seasons. Furthermore, moving into an assisted living community during the summer months is also a great time to do so as the summer is when there is plenty of extra fun and exciting activities going on to choose from.

At the end of the day, the relocation should happen when the new resident is completely ready to move into the new assisted living community. Whether the new resident is able to move into the new assisted living community during the season that they choose will simply take some proper planning.

As most seniors and elderly prefer to move into an assisted living community during the Spring and Summer months, be advised that the placement process may not always work out as smoothly as it should, potentially leading to some delays. Working with an assisted living advisor is one of the best methods of making sure that this does not happen. A senior living advisor can help guide you and your loved one’s through the entire assisted living community placement process with minimal issues and delays once a move-in date has been set.

Considering moving into an assisted living community in NYC, NJ, or CT? For more information about Assisted Living Advisers free senior assisted living community placement services in NYC area, please call 1-347-826-1689 or contact us for more information-

About Assisted Living Advisers of NYC, NJ, CT-

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE service which has helped hundreds of families transition their loved one’s into their ideal senior living situation. Providing Personalized, Concierge Style, Senior Assisted Living Facility and Senior Living Community Placement Services in NYC, NJ, CT.

Let’s Work Together To Find The Ideal Senior Living Community For Your Loved One.

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE, personalized service offering expert guidance in determining the ideal community for your loved one based on physical needs, location preferences and finances.