for Older Adults and their loved ones


Recently, I was struck with a thought: I will likely live to be 100 years old! With current statistics on every-increasing lifespans and given my family’s longevity, this is not unimaginable. My next thought? What will my life look like at 100?  What quality of life will I have? 

Around the same time, I came across three unrelated articles in period of a few days: one on aging well (encouraging for my perspective on living to 100), another article about working with people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and a third article on increasing personal productivity.  Surprisingly, the three unrelated articles all made the same basic recommendations. The articles all offered five areas that offer the greatest return on invested time. In other words, focusing on these areas will reap the most benefits.

Sleep made the top of all three lists. Getting adequate sleep strengthens the immune system, which means we are less vulnerable to physical ailments. When we get enough sleep, we make fewer errors and misjudgments. Lack of sleep leads to mistakes we normally wouldn’t make. I now have a personal goal to sleep 8 hours every night. 


Eating well and obtaining proper nutrients not only maintains a healthy body but a healthy mind. This means passing on the processed foods and filling half your plate with vegetables, then dividing the remaining half between lean proteins and healthy, whole grains. I am being mindful of what I eat, especially with the holidays upon us. 


Almost any type of exercise you add to your life will be beneficial. Starting small will help you with follow-through. If you don’t currently exercise try talking the stairs. Park in the back of the lot and briskly walk. Already have a routine? Make small changes occasionally to keep your body challenged. My routine needs a lot of work, but I strive to exercise every morning and increase in small increments. 


The science community is talking more about mindfulness every day. Practicing mindfulness (or meditation) increases patience, improves mental functions and allows us to recharge from the chaos of our daily lives. I meditate first thing in the morning before I exercise to set a tone of mindfulness and clarity for my day.


The quickest way to improve your outlook on life is to practice daily gratitude. Write down or mentally list what you are grateful for every day.  I like to write down my gratitude’s and challenge myself to not repeat them. 

Regardless of our uniqueness, we all require the same basic care. I encourage and challenge you to start a journey  of caring for yourself physically and mentally. Be mindful, be active, be grateful. Ask for help when you need it. If you have struggles, whether big or small, call us at 1-347-826-1689 and find out how we can help you. Know someone who needs a little help? Tell them about us, so we can start making their lives better.

Are the holidays overwhelming for you? Scroll down for our seasonal offerings. Relax and let us do the work!


Christmas and Chanukkah are upon us, and they can be chaotic! Why not let us handle the stressful chaos, so you can relax and enjoy time with family and friends?

What can Concierge Services do for you in these last weeks of the year?

  •  Prepare your house for guests
  •  Gift shopping
  •  Put up decorations (SCS can even take them down later!)
  •  Get gifts shipped out
  •  Address holiday cards
  • Support social events (planning, executing, cleaning up!)

Want to know what we love to do most for you? Wrap gifts! We’ll bring gift wrap, bows, labels, and more. You go and enjoy your time and come back to beautifully wrapped gifts. Want to give the gift of time to someone you know? We also have great Gift Wrapping Events For Offices! Share the holiday spirit.

Call us at  347-826-1689 and tell us how we can take the stress out of the holidays for you. Let us help you celebrate the season!

Let’s Work Together To Find The Ideal Senior Living Community For Your Loved One.

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE, personalized service offering expert guidance in determining the ideal community for your loved one based on physical needs, location preferences and finances.