The Best Choice for Senior Living

Deciding on the best choice for senior living care can be a daunting task. A lot of options are available, and each holds a different value that can provide for your personal needs. Assisted Living and Continuing Care provide a broad range of services that can help you in both your present and future needs. In this article, we talk more about what they can do for you and your loved ones.

Understanding Assisted Living

Assisted Living can bring relief to your senior loved ones in performing their daily tasks. It is a long term care solution that can also be described as independent living with personal care services. As we age, simple efforts like getting in and out of the shower, putting on clothes, or even tidying your hair becomes difficult. This service takes care of handling those basic tasks ( bathing, dressing, and bathroom). Furthermore, other daily activities like cooking or taking out the trash becomes exhausting and troublesome. Fortunately, assisted living can help with meal preparation, housekeeping, and even medication reminders. In this setting, your loved one can still have a certain level of independence without worrying about everyday chores and tasks!

Aside from giving aid to daily tasks, Assisted Living facilities and communities also support a senior resident through a busy calendar that includes daily exercises, art classes, movie nights, concerts, and lectures to encourage interaction with other senior residents as to prevent loneliness, depression, and social isolation.

Another great aspect of this type of senior living care is that aid and assistance is available 24/7. You can expect that your loved one is safe and taken care of in a high quality assisted living facility. Additional activities geared to increase socialization are typically scheduled in a month long calendar. This gives the seniors something to look forward to. Other scheduling that is related to health, such as doctor’s appointments or physical therapy, can also be handled by staff of an assisted living community.

Assisted Living services can be available in a stand alone facility or be a component of a community. It can be integrated in skilled nursing homes or at an independent living complex. It can also be part of a large scale retirement home, such as a continuing care community.

Continuing Care Retirement Community

Phrases like, “aging in place” and “all in one” are what some would say best describes a continuing care retirement community. Also referred to as CCRC, this senior living arrangement is a combination of independent living, assisted living, and a skilled nursing facility. This is best recommended for those who want to spend most of their days in the same community even as their needs change. A senior may start out as completely independent, and then, over time, as they begin to need more help, it is readily available within their community. They wouldn’t need to move and switch facilities or retirement homes. As a result, your loved ones remain comfortable with the people, surroundings, and services. Most importantly of all, they get to maintain a good quality of life.

A Continuing Care Retirement Community is a mixture of all senior living plans, so the services that they offer are similar to Assisted Living. Staff from the CCRC can help with simple tasks like bathing (getting in and out of the tub), going to the bathroom, dressing up, grooming,  etc. Everyday chores like meal preparation, housekeeping, and laundry are services one could also decide to get. Just like in assisted living, staff can help with maintenance and distribution of medications. A skilled nursing facility can also be part of a CCRC. So, if your loved one needs care from a professional nurse or health care practitioner, packing up to leave isn’t necessary.

For some, moving to an unfamiliar location can trigger confusion, disrupt behavior, and reduce independence, eventually decreasing quality of life. Having all these services available in one community eliminates the stress involved in relocation and transfers.

Weighing Your Options

Choosing the right facility, community or service for yourself or a loved one can feel overwhelming. It can get difficult if you do not have the right information. Doing your own research is a good first step. Another thing to consider is doing an assessment of your needs and list down questions you would like to ask when you visit different senior living facilities or communities.

You can also choose to work with Senior Living Placement Advisor to narrow down the choices you have. There are numerous senior living facilities and the list only continues to grow. An assisted living advisor can work with you to locate the best facility or community that will meet your needs and wants. A Senior Placement Advisor’s job is to educate you, recommend placements, guide your family, and promote a smooth and comfortable transition. Best part of all, the service is FREE!

For more information, give us a call to schedule a free consultation! 1-347-826-1689

About Assisted Living Advisers of NYC, NJ, CT

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE service which has helped hundreds of families transition their loved one’s into their ideal senior living situation. Providing Personalized, Concierge Style, Senior Assisted Living Facility and Senior Living Community Placement Services in NYC, NJ, CT.

Let’s Work Together To Find The Ideal Senior Living Community For Your Loved One.

Assisted Living Advisers is a FREE, personalized service offering expert guidance in determining the ideal community for your loved one based on physical needs, location preferences and finances.